24 x 7 Tech Support

About Us

We specialise in cloud collaboration platforms, IT managed services, custom development and migrations of Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 CRM and Microsoft Azure.
We have been working with various medical practice management programs for the best part of 20 years, these include E-claims, Medical Director, Pracsoft, Best Practice, Genie and Blue Chip. We are familiar with the various extras involved such as secure messaging programs, report down loaders and radiology viewing software. We are also able to run the regular drug reference data upgrade if required.
Other technical aspects of a business we can help with are printer selection and contracts, internet services and any cabling requirements. We have been involved with many new Practice setups and relocations and have worked with several architects and project managers in Newcastle to this end.
Part of our business has become setup and supply of phone services for our clients, and we believe we can offer telephone services as competitively as anyone else. However, with a much better understanding of your business than large corporations, we can help design as more efficient system. Our fast response means changes can be implemented quickly without the on hold wait times.
All the work we do and information we find is the property of the customers, we do not regard that as our intellectual property. Although we operate an internal ticket system to track jobs and record notes, our philosophy has always been for the customers to have access to support as quickly as possible, hence the availability of technicians on the phone. If a customer calls, they should be speaking with a technician within minutes of calling.
We do not design websites but have relationships with several designers, with whom we work closely to ensure our clients get the best outcome for their websites.
We are not an internet provider, but have a good working relationship Countrytell, a Newcastle based provider. We communicate with them without lengthy delays on hold, as does happen with other providers we deal with. We would rarely wait more than 5 minutes for Countrytell support, this is a very comforting thought when a business is down and cannot access cloud technologies and phones don’t work.